“In the last 3 months, I’ve gotten more new client leads than I had the previous year!”

Jef Green, President of C&E


C&E Systems provides compliance services to campaigns and Political Action Committees (PACs) in Oregon. Their prior website was functional but did accurately portray the company’s expertise in their industry or their dynamic team. I worked with the C&E team to strengthen their copy to better reflect the services they provide, create clear headlines and calls to action. A comprehensive brand deep dive allowed us to create a fresh brand identity and copy around the benefits they deliver to their clients. We modernized their logo while keeping close to the original design so it didn’t feel like too much of a departure.


C&E had two primary challenges. The first was that they wanted to update and improve on their branding without diverting too far and shaking up their existing customer base. The second challenge was accurately and comprehensively explaining the benefits and value they delivered to campaign managers they served.


  • C&E saw a dramatic increase in their site traffic after just the first 3 months of the new site launching.

  • By better defining their primary offerings and benefits, they were able to improve their own sales pitch and marketing materials.

  • Having a quality mobile site allows them to be positioned for referrals anytime, anywhere.

  • We updated their branding, fonts, and color scheme while keeping elements of the old logo.




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